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原文:Stone and Reached a Strategic Partnership

We are pleased to announce that we have made strategic cooperation with , a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) liquid staking platform, that aims to solve the liquidity issues found in the current decentralized finance (DeFi) sector.

will provide Stone Defi with the support of increasing asset liquidity on the Binance Smart Chain through our cooperation. Stone is working on BSC integration at the moment and will launch on the network in a few days. The two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation to promote the use of liquid assets on both platforms in the future.

About SteakBank

SteakBank is a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) liquid staking platform. It allows derivative tokens to be issued on the BSC blockchain through the BEP20 standard. These representative tokens can then be used for liquidity farming or as collateral for decentralized lending, enabling users to earn multiple income streams from one single asset.

About Stone

Stone is the only yield management framework focused on creating Rock Solid Yield for all the users in the DeFi space, through cross-chain assets and liquid staking. Stone aims to create the most antifragile platform to meet the needs of the DeFi industry. With the inclusion of yield-bearing assets introduced by Stone, it will further create yield-based derivatives such as ‘Risk Optimized' Yield indices and other derivatives.


将通过此次合作为Stone Defi提供支持,以增加Binance Smart Chain上的资产流动性。 Stone目前正在致力于BSC集成,并将在几天内在BSC平台启动。双方将开展深入合作,以促进在两个平台上流动资产的使用。


SteakBank是基于Binance Smart Chain(BSC)流动性质押平台。它允许通过BEP20标准在BSC区块链上发行衍生代币。这些有代表性的代币可以用于流动性挖矿或者作为分散贷款的抵押品,使用户能够从一项资产赚取多种收入流。



